Friday, May 1, 2009

Summary of Meeting of Management Committee

Meeting of the Management Committee - held April 7th.

Item 1: A demonstration and preview was given by the IT teacher who is overseeing the production of the DVD which the school students are producing as an historical record of ASHS.

Item 2: A management committee was formally appointed, rather than the present task group which has been operational since last October. Key people fulfilled various roles such as Event Chairperson, Secretary/Registration Officer, Event Coordinator, Finance Officer, Promotions Coordinator, Entertainment Manager, Memorabilia Coordinator, Vendor/Catering Supervisor, Sites/Venue Coordinator and Past & current students, staff and voluntary workers Facilitator.

Item 3: The Anniversary Cake will feature the school badge. The cake will be cut by the school captains of 1951, 1959 and the present 2009 school captains.

Item 4: In keeping with the golden anniversary, it was agreed to decorate the venues with a gold theme.

Item 5: The possibility of a poolside breakfast/brunch was discussed with the venue being the Atherton Swimming Pool.

The next meeting will be May 12th.

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