Saturday, April 4, 2009


  • The SOSE students from the school will organize an Anniversary Booklet. Past and current students, staff and voluntary workers are encouraged to write a short passage (100 words) beginning "I remember when....." for inclusion in the commemorative booklet. These are to be submitted (with photos if desired) before June 26th. email to either or Hand written articles will also be accepted and can be forwarded to Anne at 27 Louise Street, Atherton or Kay at 31 Gray Street, Atherton.
  • Principal Tony Whybird expressed his intention to form an Alumni and hoped it can be launched at the celebrations.
  • Principal Tony Whybird also directed the committee to the Education Queensland Website which contained information on the organization of school celebrations.
  • The Business Education Students are well underway with their plans for a historical DVD which will be available for pre-purchase.
  • The Hospitality students will be catering for the greet and meet on Friday evening.
  • We are still looking for past students to take on the responsibility of contacting members from their year levels. Anyone interested are asked to contact either Kay or Anne on the above emails.
  • Expression of Interest to Attend Forms have been published and are available on the school's website, the community link website and the blogspot. or
  • The community link website is continually being updated with information and photos.
  • 5 venues have been booked for Dinner through the Decades on Saturday evening. Dancing and celebrations will continue at the Community Hall after the dinners and the suggestion of courtesy buses will be discussed at the next meeting (April 14th)
  • Local business" have been contacted and are interested in sites for the garden party on Saturday.
  • The school bands will be supplying entertainment throughout the celebrations.
  • The decision was made that the following souvenirs would be available through a pre-purchase offer: fridge magnets, tea-towels, coasters, Scotch glasses and a Celebratory Tawny Port.
  • A viewing of much memorabilia took place at the conclusion of the meeting.

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