Saturday, February 14, 2009



Present: Graeme Turner (Chair-person), Kay Toolen (Coordinator), Judy Snelling, Chris Pang Way, Angel Kochi, Debbie Neill, Helen Walker and Anne Davis.

Apologies: Margaret Soper, Tony Whybird.

Kay chaired the meeting as Graeme was late and dealt with many topics from earlier meetings.

Anne advised that the submission for Government funding for the 50th Anniversary Celebrations had been unsuccessful and expressed disappointment at the lack of detailed information provided to the government to procure such funding.
The group expressed confidence in our ability to be self-funding but noted that we would need support from the P & C in our preparations, planning and advertising.

Business from Previous Minutes:
1. Guidelines handbook not available. Committee will use previous experience of members and our own skills to plan ahead.
Kay will advertise our event in Ed Views which will circulate through all schools of Queensland.
We will communicate our plans through the regular newsletters from the High School beginning with the next issue later in the month.
The issue of confidentiality in obtaining full lists of students to use to contact people and to publish in the Golden Anniversary Booklet and perhaps for a roll call, was a stumbling block which Kay and Debbie will endeavour to overcome before next meeting.
Greg Toolen will produce the DVD of the events of the celebratory weekend, charging only a commission on sales.
Kay asked for comments to be registered on the blog spot to encourage enthusiasm, and for followers to enter some information about themselves so that contact can be made among followers.

Further General Business:

1. Article and a small advertisement to be in the Tablelander before next meeting.
2. Anne to write a small article to include in the next high school newsletter to parents, inviting them to register their interest, attend meetings or directing them to the sites online to find out more.
3. Graeme to meet with John Wadley, President of the P & C, to discuss funding and to ask if a member of the executive could attend our meetings. Anne has volunteered to attend P & C meetings so that communication is close between our groups. Others of our group may also attend.
4. The meeting expressed the desire to keep abreast of the plans and curricula activities being formulated within the school so that we are not duplicating what is already being done, especially in regard to the gathering and presenting of historical information. Hopefully this will be achieved through Principal Tony at our regular monthly meetings, but we are willing to assist or support within the school when required.
5. Angel, Chris, Graeme, Judy and Anne have agreed to be interviewed by students in their history research.
6. Kay spoke about a DVD produced by students in 2000, called Red Gold in which many prominent older citizens were interviewed. A very interesting DVD recalling the history of Atherton was produced under the guidance of Alison Finch. Alison is involved again with plans for the 50th celebration and we wish to offer any support required.
7. Angel has offered to do some “chasing up” of teachers from previous years and to enlist the help of Dennis Penshorn. The meeting mentioned several past teachers whose whereabouts is known and more will be done to contact them and others.
8. Discussion of venues resulted in the decision to book the Black Stump Hotel, International Club, Tolga Pub and the Golf Club for the evening of Saturday, 19th September and Debbie volunteered to do this. A correction to the minutes of the previous meeting being that Merriland Hall is unavailable for use on Sat. 19th September as there is a long standing previous booking for the annual garden expo.
9. A catalogue with items of memorabilia is to be obtained, studied and brought to the next meeting. Glasses (without gold rims), coffee mugs, coasters, cork placemats and bottle openers seemed popular but other interesting ideas may surface.
10. Judy is our historical expert and collector of memorabilia who will co-ordinate with the school when necessary to ensure our plans mesh.
11. Kay will organize a registration form for people to be able to express their interest or their intention to attend. This will be available on line as well as distributed in news letters and newspapers.
12. Plans for the weekend were discussed and refined a little.
The Friday night Cocktail Party was renamed a Meet and Greet, so as not to be misleading or to prevent full participation, but will be the same function in the Community Hall with finger food and all kinds of drinks. Plans to signpost certain areas for meeting areas to “find your old friends” to be coordinated in decades with wall displays to match.
Saturday’s Garden Party, set on the school oval will begin approx. 10am and go until 4 pm, with entertainment, coffee shop set up, food etc. so that people can then prepare for the dinner at the various venues allocated to each decade.
13. Most of those present are involved in the contacting of students from their own student days:
High top students Seniors of 1959-Judy Snelling
Sub-Seniors of 1959
Juniors of 1959-Chris Pang Way
Sub-Juniors of 1959-Helen Walker

From 1960 onwards students are categorized according to their first High School year be it Grade 8 or Grade 9 or its equivalent Form 3. Judy will coordinate this group.

Coordinator for 1960 to 1964 - Anne Davis with year level assistants as follows:-
1960-Anne Davis, Marg Soper
1961-Barry Whitehead subject to agreement
1962-Betty Rocca/Val Milgate subject to agreement
1963-Helen Rockley/Rhonda Micola subject to agreement
1964-Jim Kochi/Andy Fernley subject to agreement

Coordinator for 1965 to 1969 – Angel Kochi with year level assistants as follows:-
1965-Jan Slone/Margaret Stewart/Barbara Lloyd subject to agreement
1966-Debbie Neill
1967-Angel Kochi
1968-Owen Davies Griffiths subject to agreement
1969-Kathy Spanos subject to agreement

1984-Sophie Dickinson (nee Davis)
1985-Tania Vit subject to agreement.
1986-Mandy Hubbard/Christine Mehmet subject to agreement

Kay will obtain other year communication people.

The meeting closed at 8pm with the agenda for the next meeting on March 10th to include reports by all those responsible for tasks in the meantime.

Hon. Sec. Anne Davis

An interesting FREE website for contacting people is
Don’t forget the blogspot

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